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Create Pop

Leaning Into The Unknown To Leap Into Creative Goodness

Welcome To Create Pop! A newsletter for creatives looking for strategy, tips, and inspiration to help you excel in your creative journey.

Grab your favorite snacks, bevs, and sword pens, and prepare to enjoy the journey!

Creative Mindshift

Leaning Into The Creative Unknown

"The unknown is the playground where creativity thrives."

By leaning into the unknown I've found my creative goodness. Before starting any creative project, I used to think that I needed to plan every detail. Now, I trust that the rest will come to me as I work.

I'm discovering new things about my creative process I didn't know existed and learning how to trust my creative instinct. It's been an interesting journey but has made creating a joyous experience.

If you're experiencing creative block due to not knowing what's next, lean into the unknown. You may be surprised by what you find.

Why I'm Learning More About SEO!

Along with leaning into the creative unknown, I am also challenging myself to lean into the areas I most want to grow in. Understanding SEO and how it can help me excel in my creative abilities is one of them.

Creative Strategy

How I'm Optimizing My Instagram Profile

Part of my SEO strategy for 2024 is optimizing my IG profile. I'm hashtagging direct keywords that align with my business goals and services whereas before my bio was either empty or random captioning. Now, when people are searching the gram for creative content I offer I have a higher chance of being found. I've linked the page that helped me discover this above.

Additional Reads {In case you are interested}

Google's Demystifying SEO

Google has released a 'How Search Works' video series with the intent of helping us demystify SEO.

If SEO can bring in the right traffic and customers to your business, it's worth understanding how it can benefit you.

What I'm taking away is authentic and authoritative content is king. Consistently posting this type of content will help me reach my desired audience and connect to important spaces.

If you want to read the guide for yourself, I’ve linked it above.

Creative Highlight

Makers Once Known

I am LOADS excited to share our creative highlight about a man named Dave whose pottery was the foundation of a revolution.

Dave, who came later to be known as David Drake, was an enslaved Potter from Old Edgefield District, South Carolina known for its rich resource in clay.

The High Museum Hear Me Now exhibit features works by Dave and slaves in kind who were a part of the 'Industrial Slavery Revolution', a 'niche form' of slavery that sold pottery to neighboring plantations as another means of revenue.

It was by far one of the most immersive and frankly emotional exhibits about black life I've ever witnessed.

It was shocking to learn that pottery played a significant role in the lives of enslaved people, and I was shocked that I was never taught about this before. To think of the care, work, and expertise that went into crafting these exquisite pieces under extreme duress left me in awe.

Honestly, it almost felt as if the exhibit was living. I could see these artists bent over working, kneading, pouring, glazing, needlessly creating something powerful, stone, and strong.

Legit, I could tell everyone was enthralled by what we were seeing.

As I viewed these pieces I wondered, did any of these pieces bring the enslaved artists a sense of joy or peace? Did they feel liberated when they sat to mold or was making pottery another bitter chore for them to endure?

While I may pine away at the answer, I do know these artists found a way to commit an act of defiance by sealing themselves into a work that could outlive them, tell their stories, and leave their mark behind.

David Drake, the embodiment, was the embodiment of this.

Dave The Potter vases and bowls were one of the few surviving pieces in which you could trace his history and lineage by his name and quotes he signed into his pottery - a criminal punishable act.

His craftsmanship inspired generations and told the history of those who toiled with him for us to appreciate their pieces today.

The Hear Me Now exhibit is a tour de force to witness. I'm inspired to learn more about this part of our history and the lives of these incredible artists who took up space in an unforgiving time.

That's all for this issue! I hope you enjoyed the newsletter today! Please share, subscribe, and leave any comments!

Create Pop

Welcome to Create Pop! Your subscription includes tips on creative mindfulness, strategy, and inspiration geared towards helping you excel in your creative endeavors.

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